CALL TO PRAYER FOR HAITI Civil unrest and massive protests are taking place all over the country right now. Nothing is open, schools have...

Urgent Prayer- Gas Price Hikes Cause Uprisings
Just a week after we left Haiti to return back to Canada for the summer of speaking and traveling, news of sudden outbreaks of rioting and u

When You Feel Surrounded
I have to admit I have not been the most up to date blogger. But I want to first say a big thank you to the more than 100 friends who...

Spring Time
It's a fun time of year, when spring launches the time forward an hour... in most of the world. You get sunlight streaming in your...

It's been busy around here! Lots of teamwork happening! On Sunday we had another rice distribution. Great way to get people to church!...

Community Outreach
It's been a busy month. And fruitful. God is moving and has given us many opportunities to reach our community and many others. Here's a...