Trinity Lutheran Thursday Jan 17
Our day started as usual at 6:30 am up on the rooftop to a beautiful sunrise off to the east. The sky was aglow & was breathtaking. After another delicious breakfast the work crews took off in various directions for their clinics. Dr. Vaughan, Charlene & Sandra headed out to the dental clinic & spent a very,very busy day there. They saw 12 patients with many "pick & choose the worst problems" working nearly through both dinner & supper. The eyeglass clinic crew had another full morning testing 41 eyes & then in the afternoon one classroom of children came in to get tested. All in all another full day. Bill & Liam walked around with their work belts on {not sure if they did any work} but sure looked busy.

After church service tonight, we sat around the dining room visiting & reminiscing. We're off to the rooftop for debriefing & then lights out. Thinking of you all back home, you're all in our prayers. Good night & God bless you. All our love from Haiti.