Trinity Lutheran Day 2
A refreshing day through the night. Sharon began our morning devotion, reminding us to sparkle, reflect, shining God's love; in our dark world. Think of others, be encouraging and patient. Watch our tongue and what we choose for entertainment. We enjoyed plate size pancakes for breakfast.
We had a busy morning at the eyeglass clinic however the afternoon was quieter. This allowed some of us to walk to the ocean. On our walk we saw lots of goats and the vegetation was much thicker than our previous time here. We noticed many more fences and walls as well. Night time rains left many mud puddles for us navigate.
The dental staff completed a full days clinic. Struan, Charlene and Sandra found with three things moved smooth, as one assisted while the third could sterilize instruments. They also found their patients were quite thankful.
Bill and LIam worked on a solar project gathering supplies. Bill said what would normally take one day at home, easily becomes a few days in Haiti.
Tomorrow will be another clinic day. Please pray for us that we can increase our numbers and meet the needs of the community of Grand Goave and Haiti Arise.