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Youth Conference! (St. Pierre)

We started the day by taking initiative to help prepare 600+ buns with peanut butter for the conference. The room was quite hot but we made it through with the help of some music! Sometimes the small things make a really big difference, the kitchen ladies made a note of chasing down Mark to let him know we were a big help. Good to know we weren’t getting in the way!

We had another great day at the conference. Pastor Roosevelt (a Haitian speaker) preached the best 13 point sermon we’ve ever heard, but yes, it was reeeeeeaaaalllllly long. In the afternoon Pastor Roosevelt, Pastor Samuel, and Pastor Troy split up and each took a group of attendees for a teaching session (men, women, and church pastors made up the three groups). They also took opportunity for a Q&A panel later in the afternoon. The Haitians are extremely engaged with the conference, they take notes furiously and are so hungry for teaching and ask amazing questions! We could definitely learn a thing or two from their eagerness to be immersed in the Word of God. Once again our team had opportunities to present skits and give testimonies during the day. Ribbons was a skit that talks about Jesus freeing us from the things that tie you down. We know our skits are making an impact as we’ve gotten many compliments, and we also feel the spirit moving while we’re up there. And by God’s guidance our skits fit right in with the themes being spoken on and the speakers keep referring back to our skits when they are teaching.

There was a lot of anticipation for the up coming soccer game at the end of the day. The conference attendees made a team, and the Haiti Arise church had a team ready to go! It was quite the official football match! The brought down a PA system, and had an announcer cover the whole game, along with some impromptu music and dancing. It was awesome to fellowship casually with our Haitian brothers and sisters in Christ. They sure love soccer down here! They were right on the side-lines of the field, cheering. The game ended with a tie 4-4 but it sounds like they may have a rematch tomorrow! Tomorrow is the last day of the conference! It’s going to be incredible, we're really looking forward to it!

Annnnd literally just now Wade (one of our hosts) is chasing us to bed with a water-gun, goodnight!!!!

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Haiti ARISE Ministries Society is a registered Canadian charity  & 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity in the USA.

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