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St. Pierre, MB meets Grand-Goâve, Haiti

Our journey began in St. Pierre, Manitoba and many blessings were soon to come. A lost passport was found, a blizzard was dodged, we were approached by complete strangers in the airport who prayed over us and blessed us, and another stranger helped out by paying money towards our meals at the airport, and another waitress took money off our bill. We also had a extremely friendly border security guard that made crossing the border easy! We had a very short six hours trying to sleep in a freezing loud airport wasn’t the greatest but we were blessed with a gift of free pillows and blankets and also free food. God has been good to us!

Our first hour in Haiti we were excited that all of our luggage made it here safe and sound. As we left the airport we all experienced culture shock and drastic temperature change. Driving through Port-au-Prince was a life changing experience. There were people and vehicles everywhere on and off the street!

Here’s some traffic definitions:

Tap-tap = public transportation, a small pick-up truck with a colorful roof stuffed with many people.

Lane change = honk horn aggressively and force car in between two very close cars

Yakkers = (mostly weak stomached Canadians) happens mostly on bumpy or winding roads. Yak, yak here. Yak, yak there. here a yak. There a yak…

Arriving at Haiti Arise after our long travels was joyfully amazing. We felt at home right away and the food is great! There were many kind faces and welcoming people. We were excited to play a few soccer games with some locals, and also went for a walk throughout the community, including a visit to the Children’s Village which rescues severely at risk children and places them in homes with Christian Haitian parents who often cannot have their own children.

Today (Sunday) we were privileged to attend and participate in a powerful church service, which was an incredible blessing! You could truly feel the spirit of Christ in the church, and the people are alive in their faith and passionately praise him openly. It was so encouraging and they were also really hospitable! Troy preached and Guy and Claudia shared their testimonies and we performed a drama. At one point everyone was praying aloud and all at once. So far the experience has been amazing, we’re excited to see what else God has in store. God is at work in Haiti!

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Haiti ARISE Ministries Society is a registered Canadian charity  & 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity in the USA.

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