God can do the 'Impossible Things '

When we all arrived here in Haiti...Steve mentioned that The Lord had spoken to each of us and called out to us to do ' his calling'. When we acknowledge to God that we want to give back to him for all of his blessings that he gives to us, it can be a challenge to many when he directs us. His calling is determined by him and he gives us the power to do many amazing things. I have had a challenge of dealing with a propane convection oven that has never been hooked up in 2 years and was still sitting in its packaged box. Getting it out of the box was the easy part.....getting it upright on its 4 legs was a challenge. In all it took 5 guys to get it upright on just 2 legs and then had to hold it still while I put on the remaining 2 legs. That was day 1...get it upright and get the gas line connected. Day 2 did not go very well...Stacey was my Apprentice and she helped keep me on the right path.We discovered that within the last 2 years a rat decided to make a nest inside the electrical panel and chewed up some of the wiring....repair time took place. Then we discovered there was no propane in the 2 big 100 pound cylinders. 2 days later after the tanks were filled....my new Jedi named Clark gave me plenty of Wisdom and we discovered they only filled up 1 cylinder and we were feeding off the empty one.....we switched over to the fresh tank and then discovered that the 2 regulators were not letting the propane to past through to the convection oven.....As you can see we have had more challenges that what we were expecting...... Lets get back to God's calling and his Spiritual Gifts he gives to us.
God's Spiritual Gift is something he gives to us to serve him and not what we feel we can do for him. As a Plumber/ Gas Fitter by trade God's calling could be something else altogether. Its like getting a new assignment once you complete the first task. Spiritual Gifts from him need to be God centered not self centered. What we 'feel' are our gifts may not be what God has planned for our lives. He guides us in our daily walk when we let him. Moses is a prime example of a man whom obeyed the will of God. Moses told the Lord that there were others whom could do his wishes...but God choose Moses. He was not a very good speaker.....all he had to do was tell the Pharaoh to let his people go.
In my situation the last few days...although I am a gas fitter...I work with Natural Gas ...not propane. God is directing me each day. I prayed a bit more today and asked God to help direct me to resolve the many obstacles that I have been faced with. Jesus mentioned in Matthew 19 verse 26- " With men this is impossible, but with God everything is possible." Basically Jesus is saying that OUR God can do the impossible things. Chris Tomlin and Danny Gokey have a song on Tomlin's album called 'Impossible Things'. It is one of my favorite songs on his album and has almost a million hits and has not even been on the charts yet.
I will share with you how powerful OUR God is.....I went into a home that had a water leak between back to back bath tubs. Cutting anything on the main floor was not an option at all.....I had to make an access in the basement and I could not see the joints I had to re solder once I cut the bad section out. I prayed and asked God to direct my hands since I could not see the joints I was repairing . It was amazing to see he guided my hands and there were no leaks at all. Getting back to Haiti Arise it has been a painful journey seeing where Haitians are with things. We cannot change them ,but we can help them. The homes we are building for them have involved Haitians themselves. There are crews working to build new homes for them that should be able to withstand a Hurricane. Usually all the homes are destroyed when a hurricane whips through this Country and many die as a result of the flooding . Even though this is my first visit to Haiti I can see many positive changes ....children are going to school, trade schools are preparing students for the better Haiti. These are positive changes in this small country of 11 million people who revolted against French rule over 300 years ago. Haiti stood up against slavery and won. Slavery still occurs here , but it has to do mostly with poverty, Haiti is the 4 th poorest country in the world. In contrast...Dominican Republic is the riches Caribbean country and they share the same Island of Hispaniola. The Dominican Republic was controlled by The Spanish,but it went a different direction with its independence.
When it comes to following God...we all need to pray that The Holy Spirit will help direct our path as we become more Christlike in our walk with him. When God told me he wanted me to go to Haiti and Clark confirmed the Holy Spirit said it was me...I never questioned it at all. When God speaks to you ...you have a choice together listen to him or listen to yourself. I chose to listen to him. I want to keep getting his blessings. God helps us to do his assignments through The Holy Spirit are our gifts known. His presence will equip us to God's work. Over time our task may change and The Holy Spirit will once again equip us to do that task. Moses did not think he could do the things God was asking him to do, but he did. Marc and Lisa have listened to God's calling here in Haiti.
Marc and Lisa have a love of the people here, and Haiti Arise is God's gift to them for listening to The Holy Spirit. Through him all things are possible. Lisa mentioned at the midweek service that when they first started this ministry only 5 people showed up that first service. They now have over 500 hundred in their Church and just went on a mission Trip with over 40 of its members to another part of this amazing country. I can see the love of God through these Christian people here. Canadians would be amazed at their worship to God ...arms outstretched to serve him. They may be poor, but God can do the impossible things in their lives. As a Geography Major in University , I did a lot of research about Haiti...They are proud of their culture and those that do work are extremely hard workers. One man that stood out to me looked like a bodybuilder..I was amazed. He is a Christian man and that made me show deep respect for him as a follower.
We went on a tour of the facilities that Haiti Arise is involved in...over 600 children in schools. Here in Haiti all children must were uniforms. When we were walking through an area outside I was happy to see sanitation has changed, Farmers were planting for the upcoming rainy season ahead., children were running around playing soccer. Through all the difficulties that lie ahead I can see God doing the impossible things here in Haiti. This will be an experience I will never forgot. I strongly encourage those that want to experience his following to come to Haiti.