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It's been busy around here! Lots of teamwork happening! On Sunday we had another rice distribution. Great way to get people to church! The place was packed. Pastor Bazou preached a powerful word of Living by Faith! We've had a great group of missionaries here- Pastor Jim Reimer's team from BC minus Jim cause he had to return home for Judy's sake. They have been working hard at welding doors & windows for the new elementary school, learning to do Haitian style stick welding. We're painting the 2nd duplex homes w murals, installing cabinets & plumbing, getting it ready for family #3 to move in hopefully this month. We also have Angela & Kelly Grams from Sewing Seeds Ministry here to investigate partnering together to help us expand our sewing classes into a factory. And we've been privileged to have Margarita Falcon , an oncologist doctor from Cuba, working in our clinic and hold seminars on cancer prevention. It's been a wonderful group and we've kept busy. Meanwhile, our family has still been battling sickness with a wicked cough passing through us all. Ariana has had it the worst causing her to vomit nightly. I'm finally recovered and now Marc caught it. Nonetheless, God is on the move and doing a mighty work in our church and community. Were so blessed to see a hunger for God's Word and a desire to deeper into His presence. Marc has been preaching a series on Basic doctrines from Hebrews 6:1 and I've been teaching Tuesday night Bible study on going Deeper in God. It's been awesome. Tonight many people shared very touching testimonies of how God is changing their lives, and we worshipped and prayed over many people that came to the altar to dive in deeper with God.

I'm even blessed to see God working in my kids. They're eager to work, Miesha helping in the clinic, Asher & Kiki cleaning the children's village yard, Miesha, Asher & Ken teaching English in the Tech School and translating for the missionaries. Miesha, Jasmine & Ariana helping play with the children's village kids. They're even helping bag rice for distribution- including Austin. I'm on my knees in prayer for them daily that God would capture their hearts and they'd each experience their own relationship with Christ and they'll continue to develop a heart for the ministry. My dream is to have them all serve with us as they grow in missions.

God is good all the time. All the time God is good! And when we team up with Him, it's amazing the work He can do in and through us.

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Haiti ARISE Ministries Society is a registered Canadian charity  & 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity in the USA.

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