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Helping Healthy Mamas Have Healthy Babies!

Haiti has the highest maternal/newborn mortality rate in the western hemisphere.  75% of Haitian women deliver their babies without a skilled birth attendant (accredited midwives, nurse-midwives, doctors and nurses with midwifery skills and specialist obstetricians) which explains why 359 Haitian women die in every 100,000 births, a 50x the mortality rate compared to only 7 in 100,000 in Canada. The leading causes of maternal death are hemorrhage, obstructed labor, infection, complications from abortion and preeclampsia. This isn’t surprising given the population of 10 million with only 100 obstetricians and 201 nurse midwives to meet those needs.  Access to these skilled birth attendants is complicated further by the reality of poverty, geography, and poor quality of comprehensive obstetric care. 

Midwives save lives, ensuring the family unit remains intact, as mothers are guided through birth and into parenthood.


Our vision to is provide a safe and home-like birthing environment with qualified midwives to ensure healthy mamas have healthy babies. We provide prenatal, birthing & postnatal care and education.

We don’t know all the reasons why a woman delivered her baby and died on the streets of Grand Goave, after being turned away from the hospital – was it a lack of funds? A lack of recognizing a serious condition? A lack of medication? We also don’t know the reasons why a newborn found in an outhouse and brought to Haiti Arise, subsequently died in the hospital. But these tragedies have galvanized Haiti ARISE to try to provide a safe option for laboring women and their newborns.


The monthly salary for one midwife is $500. 

With your sponsorship of $50, $100, $250 or $500 a month,
you can support a portion or the whole salary for a midwife. 

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Haiti ARISE Ministries Society is a registered Canadian charity  & 501(c)(3) tax-exempt charity in the USA.

©2023 Haiti ARISE Ministries Society.

All Rights Reserved.

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